Grace Mc Donagh

Breath work & meditation coach | Corporate wellness speaker | Wannabe runner & triathlete

My passion for fitness, health and wellness began in 2003 when meditating wasn’t very cool, and snake was the only reason you spent more than five minutes on your phone.

I’ve since helped thousands of people reach their fitness, health and wellness goals.

I wanted to share the knowledge and expertise I have built over the years with as many people as possible. So, in 2019, Zero2Zen was born. This platform has helped me share with others (and continue to remind myself) that there are many small actions you can take daily to be and feel healthy, happy, energetic, and at ease within yourself while still living life and having fun.

I am currently facilitating breath work and meditation classes, workshops and wellness talks for companies, gyms and clubs. If you would like to learn more about this, please check out the rest of my website.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out below.

Have a great day and don’t forget to breathe ♡

Grace x